Patrick Maurer

Alpe d'HuZes 2025



Why I participate in Alpe d'HuZes?

For this event, I have set myself the goal of exercising again and getting fit. However, the most important reason is to raise money for cancer research. Our team has a long history of participating, but sadly, one of our members has now finished her cancer treatment and we are losing this fight. This year is especially meaningful for our team, as we are participating now special for her. 

We also remember family and friends who have unfortunately lost their fight against this disease. Please help and support our team in this special event to raise money for cancer research. 

Thank you in advance for your contribution and support.

My Achievements

Ik heb me ingeschreven

Foto's toegevoegd

Zelf een eerste donatie gedaan

Vijf donaties ontvangen

Streefbedrag gehaald

Streefbedrag hoger dan 3500 ingevuld

Emails verstuurd

Pagina gedeeld op social

Donateurs bedankt

Thank you to my supporters


Lesley Klaver 28 October 2024

Succes Patrick 💪

My Activity: Cycling